Thursday, June 08, 2006

Would YOU Marry Tom For 33 Million?

Or better yet - Could you??

How long can Katie hold out for? She gets 3 million a year up to a total of 33 million. After 11 years of marriage the prenup gets tossed and she gets half of all he's worth. It will be interesting to see if he dumps her at 10 years, 11 months as he did Nicole.



Anji said...

Not for all the money in the world

OldWiseOne said...

In 1986 I would have said hell yes, in 2006 I have to say not a snowball's chance in hell.

LA said...

I've never noticed before how crooked her teeth are!

Anonymous said...

I never thought he was hot but I did at one time think of him as essentially non-creepy. No more. For 33 mill tho, I could stomach some creepy. Plus think of all the vitamins I could score to cure the world's ailments.