Thursday, June 08, 2006

Reconciliation?? Nada

Looks like June 17 marks the day the Newlyweds divorce will be final. Although Nick only wanted a trial separation, Jessica has gone ahead with divorce proceedings. Seems she left Nick after thinking she'd found her soulmate in Adam Levine. Once she dumped her husband, Adam got cold feet and stopped returning her calls and they haven't spoken since. Ouch.


LA said...

Look how much btter she looked with him. Well, in part, she looks worse now because she keeps messing with her face (surgically). She should have stopped the collagen and such right where she was in this picture. Kind of sad that she hit her peak in her early 20s.

Anonymous said...

Nick, on the other hand, looks hotter than ever. I never paid much attention to him when he was hooked up with her but that boy has potential to burn. In 10 years, I predict Clooneyesque hotness.