Saturday, March 10, 2007

Ever Tried Smart Water?

Looks like Jennifer Aniston is a fan. Seen here leaving her New York hotel room this week using a Smart Water bottle to block the paps. Whenever I'm in the US, I buy this stuff. It is the best tasting bottled water out there plus it's packed full of electrolytes, so, like Gatorade, it gives you a little boost, keeps you hydrated, and it seems to keep my hunger pains at bay.


LA said...

You can't get Smart Water in Canada?

You should become an importer!

Anonymous said...

don't know which smart water you're drinking, but... it's WATER. Nothing else.

Anonymous said...

I hate embedded advertisements. :(

Leisa said...

Hey Anon -

You can stop 'boo-ing' me, it's not an advertisement. In fact, I'm drinking SmartWater right now. The last three paparazzi shots of Aniston shows her carrying a bottle of it and I thought I'd share the fact that I think it tastes great and helps with hunger pains and pregnancy sickness. SO THERE.

Anonymous said...

Listen, I understand those of you who think "water is water" some even believe the water from your tap is better because of the minerals, well it's not.

I am looking for Smart Water. I was drinking it in the U.S. on holidays and it is really amazing. Not only does it taste better, it has taken away my migraines and I feel like I've been taking Ginko Biloba!

If anyone knows how I can get it here in Canada or even how I can import it, let me know. I will keep trying the internet, just started my research 10 min ago.

Leisa said...

spagirl - i too have been searching for SmartWater in Canada. there are some websites that will ship it to you. it makes no sense that we can't find it at our supermarkets. you'd think there would be just as big a market here in Canada than in the US. when you google "smart water canada' the first choice, dr.soda, will ship it here, for a premium. would be worth it if it helps those migraines of yours.


mchu said...

there's a store that's near sumerhill market that sells this stuff...and also there's another store that is in stouffville, ontario out of all places that has it from what i know.

Anonymous said...

where can i get smartwater in canada?????