Thursday, November 23, 2006

Double Your Pleasure

Paris Hilton and Britney Spears, new BFF's, raised the roof at Hyde in Hollywood last night. I can see clearly through Paris' motive. Hanging out with Britney can only make her look good. It's obvious she won't help her out with fashion advice. Leopard print dress with white shoes? At least she matched her panties. Paris just stands there while Brits crotch is showing when she could of easily blocked the photographers view. You just know she was smiling inside. Yup. Hanging with Britney can only help Paris look, dare I say, kinda classy.

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Anonymous said...

At least Brit is still wearing panties! A few more nights out with Paris and we'll be looking at Brit's coochie in the next set of pics.

Anonymous said...

Paris is a snake. I don't think anyone can survive a friendship with her. But Britney might be able to teach her that wearing panties is a good thing.

Rhymes With Snitch said...

at least she has on panties.

Anonymous said...

why does this trashy ho-bag, have on white shoes. u cant pay a ho to keep it classy. i had so much hope for this broad.............

JMS said...

i didn't know anyone wore white