Wednesday, May 10, 2006

No Doubt She's Smiling

P.Diddy's baby's momma won her battle in court today. Misa Hylton-Brim, Diddy's ex-girlfriend will receive almost 20K of support per month for their 12 year old son Justin.

photo - gossipish


Prunella Jones said...

I'd be smiling too.

Scottsdale Girl said...

Who was that whack breathy chick that was married to that crusty guy on that one show...she was a total ditz...with hair like that. OMG!

*sorry that made no sense but I am hoping one of you thinks like me and can answer*

Anonymous said...

anna nicole smith?

Scottsdale Girl said...

Nuh uh - Damn - Jean CASEM!!!!! Casey CASEM's WIFE that DITZ! THAT HAIR DO!

Scottsdale Girl said...

Now what show was that....

Anonymous said...

Can she use some of that to clean her ratty a$$ up? And she is supposed to be a stylist? No wonder her only client is Lil Kim.

No kid needs 20K a month when she is remarried and both she and her husband work.


Anonymous said...

bitch u get it GOOD goddamn...thats right take back the years he took from u!!!!! U GO GIRL

Anonymous said...

Nice story you got here. I'd like to read something more concerning that matter. Thank you for posting that info.
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Anonymous said...

Why shouldn't her son have the best? If his daddy is P. Diddy he should be getting that much suppport!