This photo makes me sad. Hang in there Brit.
Things will get better. They have to.
I honestly didn't post the pictures of Britney almost dropping Sean yesterday at first because I felt sorry for her. Other than the drink in her hand, what happened could of happened to any young mom. THIS is the first picture I saw this morning, taken after yesterdays incident, and I geniunely feel bad for Britney. Her life is sucking right now and she obviously needs some support. Can you believe I'm saying this shit? Well it's the truth.
isn't she pregnant? you think that was really a drink? as much as it looked like it.
i feel for her too. maybe this will shake her up a little. just stay home and be that little boys mom.
I don't feel bad for her. She's exercising free will, and yet she continues to make stupid decisions. Every bad thing that's "happened to her" is a result of her own doing. Nothing has happened TO her, it's happened BECAUSE of her.
Tripping while holding a baby in one arm and something else in the other happens to people all the time - toddlers are wiggly little bastards. The difference is there are no pappies around taking pictures of it and calling me a bad mother when it happens in my life.
Now driving with the baby on the lap is another matter altogether, and inexcusable IMO. However in this latest incident I choose to cut her some slack.
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