What a great title for his next movie!!
I guess Linds is dating Brett Ratner. He's the short, puffy, greasy movie director of XMEN 3. Anyways, seems things are SO serious that he wanted to give Lindsay something special. How special?? A $900 Hermes cashmere blanket to be exact. Turns out the cheap bastard REGIFTED the blanket in the original box with a photo and hand written note from another 'friend'.
The photos above are actual size.
He must be looking up at her nose all the time.
LOVE IT!!!!! Way to pick em LiLo!
That's hilarious! Ratner is scum. The "rat" in his name is poetic justice.
I'm so sick of her. If I see another paprazzi pic of her coming or going from a club I'll kill myself. Is it asking too much for her to stay home one night a week?
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