Sunday, March 26, 2006

Please Don't Forget About Me........

So here I am in Palm Desert. We had a 3.8 earthquake the second night - very exciting/weird. I've shopped my visa off and I haven't even hit Cabazon YET. Monday & Tuesday that is where you will find me.......

We have no way to connect to the net from our rental home so I'm at a neighbours at the moment to check in. Grrrrrrrrrrr - I just realized that in order for me to post photos and gossip I would have to save photos to their computer and then they would know what a shallow gossip whore I am and maybe for now that is NOT a good thing. Sorry Suzy........ I'll have your 'People Mag' up and running by Saturday.

A couple things I can tell you is that Katie Holmes still hasn't popped and had a baby shower yesterday at the classy Scientology Centre in Hollywood. LONGEST PREGNANCY EVER. Poor girl. Speaking of pregnancy, Britney is NOT pregnant and is really upset about all the fat/preg talk. I [almost] feel bad. Honest. Also there are rumours circulating that Kate Moss is dating Colin Farrell. Definately NOT a good idea for either of them if they want to keep their noses clean but whatevs. Can't wait to post some pictures.

I get home late Friday night so prepare for gossip overload on the weekend. PROMISE.

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