Sunday, December 17, 2006

Look Who's Channeling Donatella

Not someone I'd really want to look like, but hey. Mary-Kate Olsen stepped out in Los Angeles this weekend with shockingly platinum locks. Me no likey, but at least it finally looks clean.

mk photo source - holycandy


Anonymous said...

God Donatella is ugly. And have you ever seen photos of that woman in a swimsuit from the back side? For someone as thin as she is, I've never seen so much cellulite.

Versace's clothes were never garish and horribly tacky when Gianni was alive. No so since Donatella.

Vanessa said...

That is the worst bleach job ever.

I color my hair blonde too and it does not look like that and I have about 1/1 millionth of MK's bank account and live in Ohio for chrissakes. There is no excuse for this.