It just can't be helped. She's everywhere. Stinking up the place. Paris Hilton was at the Tao Party in Park City last night, to see Maroon 5. Making all those who dared to come near her ill. Just look at those two behind her. They can barely keep themselves from passing out, right there, on the spot. Lucky for them, herpes isn't an airborne virus. I'm sure they've recovered.
pic - evilbeet
pic - evilbeet
Did you see the picture of her and Jared Leto making out? ::shudder:: Not that I'm any big fan of Jared Leto, but I did have a slight crush on Jordan Catalano back in the day.
I saw that, oldwiseone, and I almost vomited.
hate to tell you OWO - i've met jared leto. up close and personal. he's a very small man with a girlish figure in person. i also found him to be very odd. very in-your-face personality, but not in a good way. a really awkward way. he totally turned me OFF.
A small man with a girlish figure LOL! If the constant black eyeliner and encounter with Virus Whoreton hadn't already killed it that would definitely put the nail in the coffin of my JC crush.
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