Ugg. They are completely hideous but I guess if you're camping..... What am I saying? Men Should NEVER Wear Man Uggs. NEVER. No excuses. Women shouldn't be wearing them either for that matter but that's a whole other topic.
Matthew McConaughey walks his dog Foxy through a campground in Atlanta where he is staying while filming We Are.....Marshall. Matthew would rather stay in his own Airstream than a hotel paid for by the production company. Probably because it is a hell of a lot easier to spark one when you're in a campground than it is staying at the Hilton. If I thought I 'd pull up next to McConaughey if I ever went camping I might even actually pretend to like it.
source - people.aol.com
He's cute but I agree, men uggs are just plain bad.
I know the uggs are all wrong, but he's still hot (well in photos anyway, I heard he had a problem with b.o.)
Matt McHottie can put his UGGS under my bed anytime.... *sigh*
No UGGS, no men naming dogs Foxy. (Love the dog, though.)
I personally have nothing against uggs for women IN WINTER but for men its all wrong it would be like men wearing thongs you just dont
do u know what's wrong with people like u? I hate discriminators and people like that need to be fuckin shot. To my point, I dont see what'wrong with MEN wearing uggs. If it wasnt for men and all of their hard work, women wouldnt have all of the make-up, high heels, and all of the clothes that people like u women wear on your backs, so my point is fuckin grow up and let men decide what they want to wear! Cause u know why? Cause I am a man and I have a pair of uggs to keep my feet warm, that's why u fuckin buy them, they are to keep your feet warm! Oh my fuckin god, I hate discriminators. If men wearing uggs is so damn wrong than how come women can wear men's clothes? That's my question. Discriminators need to fuckin lay off or they'll fuckin die.
chill out man! people like u need to calm down!
men uggs look stupid that's why, stupid and gay.
they look stupid on women aswell but men is even worse!
if u must wear them, wear them in the confort of your own home!
Uggs for men are ugly, but the ones for women are pretty. I buy fake Uggs because the real Uggs (they have labels on the back that say Uggs Austrailia) use real sheep skin. Not wool, the actual skin and can cost up to $150. Fake Uggs are less cruel on animals and they are as pretty as the real ones. You can find them at Payless and Marshalls. At Marshalls, they are as low as $12.99!
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