Britney is finally thinking. Dumping your husband and hiring yourself a male nanny could be the start of a new movement. Come to think of it, I should get me one of those.

She's got to stop going outside with the rollers. It's like she's not even trying anymore. Don't give up Brit.
photos - savingface
Does she look perplexed or annoyed that someone is taking her pic? Mebbe she should finish getting ready before heading outdoors once in a while eh?
I just pledged last night to stop making fun of Brit so much on my blog but, d'oh! she just makes it so easy!
Me TOO!! I really did feel bad after the whole 'baby-dropping' incident. I know her life is sucking right now and I'm truly rooting for her to pull through on top. I need someone new to pick on. :)
isn't that the same guy in the post you had a couple of days ago?
bev - it is the same guy. first the rumour was he's the new nanny. then a few sites claimed he was a music producer of hers. judging from these photos i'd guess the nanny is the right one. i've never seen a 'non-dad' sporting a baby bjorn before. have you? :)
Maybe she's "auditioning" him.
I don't even enjoy making fun of her anymore. She is young. She made a huge mistake in a husband. She missed home so she found the biggest greasiest slice of WT she could and got hitched and now she's paying for it. We're all pulling for you Brit. But next time don't carry the baby in one hand and a cocktail in the other.
Forget the rollers - she needs to stop going outside in see-through or backless white tops with black bras.
Well, OK, I can't forget the rollers. The women needs a new stylist stat.
I too have vowed to stop making fun of La Brit (whenever possible), so as my first act of charity I will say that sometimes when you are pregnant you will wear just about anything as long as it is comfortable. I myself spent almost the entire 9 months of my last pregnancy in a pair of sweat pants that my husband said gave me a "saggy ass diaper butt" - of course, no one was chasing me around snapping photos, so you'll just have to take his word for it (said pants have since been burned).
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