Look At Me! Look At Me!
YES WE SEE YOU. Now do you feel better?

Everyone in Hollywood knows that if you don't want to be seen - keep away from trendy Kitson in LA. Paparazzi stalk that place 24/7. Then there's lunch at The Ivy. Another place to avoid when you want to remain incognito. Now holding up a tabloid and pretending to be reading it GUARANTEES you a spot in it's next issue.
Take attention whore Jennifer Love Hewitt for example. She WANTS you to notice her. She hit Kitson twice in one week with totally different hair-do's no less AND stopped to read OK Mag while getting gas. She is so hard core.

she needs a new hairstylist!!
Fug x3 pictures!
does she have a hat on???
nope no hat. just a helmut.
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