Monday, June 04, 2007

Paris Goes A Day Early

Paris Hilton checked herself into the big house following last nights MTV Awards. Two days earlier than they had been expecting her.

It didn’t go down at the jail. Paris’ mega-lawyer, Richard Hutton, picked her up at her parents’ house at 10:30 PM. Hilton, Hutton, mom Kathy and sister Nicky then drove to the Men’s Central Jail in downtown Los Angeles — commonly referred to as the Twin Towers — where Paris officially surrendered to the L.A. County Sheriff to begin her 23-day sentence.

Click here to watch TMZ's video of Paris arriving with her mother and sister, Nicky.

The early check-in is probably another publicity stunt, working on improving her reputation after being laughed at and heckled during last nights award show. Sarah Silverman let her have it during her opening monologue while hosting the MTV Movie Awards, probably the best and only entertaining part of the show.

Another hilarious 'twist' is that the Sheriff's Department has just confirmed that Paris' hair extensions are going to be removed for her jail stay. This is a regular procedure for all of the inmates, and since Paris is being treated like the average Joe -- sorta -- extensions must go! No more bleaching either. Paris is NOT a natural blonde and she wears blue contacts, so expect a much different looking Paris in 23 days.

What a treat it will be to be Paris-free for the next 3 weeks.


Anonymous said...

Today is a good day!!!! :0)

OldWiseOne said...

Can we all make a promise not to talk about Paris for the 3 weeks she is behind bars? It would be a truly lovely summer break.