Friday, February 02, 2007

Headache From Hell

I've had a wicked headache for two days - needless to say, posting is going to suffer, as I am. If I'm feeling better this afternoon, I'll post more then. I'm finding it really hard to stare at my computer screen.


Marcia said...

I'm sorry sweetheart!

But seriously, that's one of the best "I have a headache" pictures I've ever seen!

LA said...

Girlfriend, go turn off the lights and lay down in a dark, quiet room. I totally feel your pain. I'm a graduate of Migraine Academy.

joy said...

Leisa dear, It helps to turn down the light on the computer screen and laying down for a bit.

I have a nutty trick, when the glare is too much, I put on my shades! and it works fo me.

P.s. I just clicked the shit out of your ads cause it's hard out here for female celebrity bloggers.