Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Liv & Milo - Cookie Cover

Liv Tyler and her son, Milo grace the cover of the June/July issue of Cookie Magazine. This issue hits the stands on June 3rd.

“I’d love for him to have pets and chickens to take care of. And I want to give him all the tools to be the best man he can be. For me, so much of that has to do with being in nature and really using your hands when you’re a kid.”

Love Liv.


It's Barbie, Bitch said...

She's gorgeous. In every way, it seems.

LA said...

Have you seen SATC yet?

Leisa said...

la - nope, but i will. you?

wish we could see it together.

LA said...

I saw it Friday, but I was disappointed. Too slow, sad tone, not enough smart dialogue between the girls. I felt like the zsa-zsa-zsou of the series was missing.

Also, not enough Stanford! He seriously had about 5 lines. The Jennifer Hudson role was superfluous. They should have skipped that character altogether and given Stanford and Anthony more screen time, although Anthony had considerable more than Stanny did.


Hope you enjoy it more than I did. And I hope the kids are better!