Sunday, June 01, 2008

It's Been AWhile Since I've Said This...

Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore don't look amazing. Here they are at last nights 7th Annual Chrysalis Butterfly Ball in Los Angeles. Ashton's turtleneck of hair is not attractive. I'm picking my teeth just looking at it. Demi didn't bring her A game. Maybe she took one too many dolls, before realizing tonight was an 'out' night?

Did they just wake up from a nap? Is Ashton growing a Stanley Cup beard? Or was it a little afternoon delight perhaps? But wouldn't that leave a certain glow? Ah well, they looked like shit. When she sees these pics, Demi will be pissed. She'll spend another 10 g's on plastic surgery this week to make herself feel better. Get those knees of hers re-lifted.

pics - celebutopia


LA said...

Satin and satan are almost the same word for a reason.

Anonymous said...

i think his jacket is absolutely hideous - same goes for the live turtleneck (lol)

come on though - she doesn't look bad per se! perhaps a bit understated but still rather cute.
loving the peep-toes!! are they in fact the same as SJP's on the pic above??

Red said...

He looks miserable, hairy and fat.

As for Demi, I wouldn't mind looking like that when I'm her age. (Wait... I might be her age already?!?). But what are those things on her legs and feet... mosquito bites?

Blurg... get some citronella, pet.