Wednesday, April 02, 2008

A Couple Who Sleeps Together......

Looks like Madonna and Guy Ritchie do indeed still sleep in the same bed. Though not much sleep goes on there. The couple are the worst kind of Crackberry heads. They sleep with them under their pillows.

“We lie right next to each other with our BlackBerrys under our pillows. It’s not unromantic. It’s practical. I’m sure loads of couples have their BlackBerrys in bed with them. I have to sleep with my BlackBerry because I often wake up in the middle of the night and remember that I’ve forgotten something, so I jump up and make notes.”

Madonna says, “Guy’s always waiting for me to come to bed, so he plays Brick on his Blackberry until I’m ready.”

Madonna is Elle Magazine's May 2008 Covergirl.


1 comment:

LA said...

BlackBerry is the new vibrator.