Sunday, March 04, 2007

She Said It

"Everything about him. He's an incredibly brilliant, intelligent, funny, charismatic, vivacious, kind, beautiful, rich ... Don't put the last thing." ~ Sienna Miller when asked what attracted her to ex-fiance, Jude Law

"I took a morphine pill, just to feel what a safe way of taking heroin was like. I didn't really feel a lot. I'm incredibly hardcore. Hahaha!" ~ when asked if she experimented while researching her role as Edie Sedgwick

"'Cos they're fun! 'Cos they're fuckloads of fun! No, don't write that. I always end up putting my big fat foot in it." ~ when asked why so many people experiment with drugs

"I mean, I still love a waterfall or the odd hallucinogenic drug. I liked mushrooms, which were legal until a year or so ago. If I had a drug of choice, it would be magic mushrooms. And I do like going away to India ... But I'm very motivated at the moment." ~ when asked "What happened to hippy-dippy Sienna?"



Anonymous said...

She bothers me the same way Avril does. When I was in school we would have called her a poser. She should grow up.

LA said...

No one will ever confuse her for Einstein.

Red said...

She must have done a truckload of drugs to think so highly of Jude Law...

Vanessa said...

Dude do you think the British die a little bit inside every time she opens her mouth?

A friend sent me this article today and I my favorite/worst part was when she explained the "Shittsburgh" thing by saying she also referred to one of the New England states as "Connecticunt."